It’s thought to have broken from the solar system and contains extra-terrestrial amino acids and inclusions. Murchison – This type of meteorite fell near Murchison, Victoria (Australia) in 1969 and is known as a meteorite fall as it was seen landing. Muonionalusta – A fine octahedrite type, this variety of meteorite was first discovered in 1906 and is mostly used for creating unique jewelry pieces. It has a crystalline structure that mirrors the most common gemstones. Though formed about 4 billion years ago, it was discovered in 1838. Gibeonite – This is a Martian meteorite consisting of iron that was discovered in Gibeon, Namibia (hence its name).

Of the several varieties, the type that jewelers commonly use include: Some meteorite types that land on earth are not ideal for jewelry making. It has pyroxene and olivine saddled in layers of iron, resulting in an amazing and valuable stone. This type forms the remaining 1% of all meteorites.

They are the most common as they make up about 94% of all meteorites. Stony: These rocks mostly consist of silicate minerals.Meteorites are classified into three categories according to their composition: They can be either meteorite falls if their movement to earth is observed and traced, or meteorite finds if they are discovered when they’ve already landed on the earth’s surface. As the name suggests, meteorite rings are made from meteorites, the remains of objects that drop out of space.